Distance to nearby landmarks
- Port of Santa Fe0.6 mi
- Santa Fe City
- Terminal de Ómnibus0.6 mi
- Santa Fe City
- Sauce Viejo Airport12 mi
- Sauce Viejo - Santa Fe
- Gral. Urquiza Airport15 mi
- Paraná - Entre Ríos
Parque Tecnológico Litoral Centro (PTLC)
PTLC is strategically located within the socio-economic fabric of the city of Santa Fe, Región Centro and MERCOSUR. It is served directly by Federal Route 168 that forms an integral part of the Inter-oceanic Corridor between Coquimbo (Chile) and Porto Alegre (Brazil). Thus, being situated alongside the highway that is at the hub of one of the major regional trade areas makes PTLC a true trade crossroads.
Due to its proximity to downtown Santa Fe and Paraná (the capital city of Entre Ríos), PTLC offers convenient access to financial, educational, recreational and commercial centers.